El bloqueo de Gaza, devastador para el sector privado por Albert Esplugas

El bloqueo de Gaza ha tenido el efecto de debilitar el sector privado palestino y situarlo en una posición de mayor dependencia respecto al gobierno de Hamás. Los lazos económicos que había entre empresas israelíes y palestinas se han extinguido. Sin empleo ni perspectivas de progresar, los palestinos tienen menos que perder con la violencia, y más excusas para aceptar la narrativa de Hamás y recrearse en el odio a Israel.
Copio varios párrafos de un reportaje del Wall Street Journal:
Businesses can't import raw materials or export finished goods. Since the blockade, more than 3,000 private-sector enterprises, including factories and small businesses, have closed, contributing to an unemployment rate of 44%, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency in Gaza.
Many of the businesses that have managed to stay open have turned to smugglers to bring in machines, spare parts and raw materials from Egypt, severing trade ties between Gaza and Israeli manufacturers and traders.
All this has bolstered Hamas, businessmen here and aid agencies say. Hamas exerts oversight over the tunnels and their operators. It has expanded its own public-sector payroll, earning local praise for creating new jobs. It has also extended economic tentacles into new businesses. (...)
At one of Gaza's biggest rock-breaking yards—2½ acres of dusty rubble mounds—contractor Rawhy al Geeg says he rents half his heavy equipment from the Hamas-controlled economics ministry. In exchange for the equipment, Hamas takes $2 of every $25 he gets from selling a ton of crushed rock to cement factories, he says.
Hamas also controls the tunneling business. The Hamas-controlled municipal government in the border town of Rafah charges each tunnel owner a fee of about $2,500 a year, according to tunnel owners. Hamas inspectors visit the tunnels to ensure contraband—alcohol, drugs and other illicit goods—aren't making their way in, tunnel operators say. Businessmen also say the government is now levying the equivalent of a customs tax on some items.
Más sobre los efectos del bloqueo en el Jerusalem Post:
According to the report, the prohibition on bringing in raw materials and exports into Gaza, which has been in place since Hamas’s takeover of the Strip in June 2007, forced 95 percent of the factories and workshops in the area to close.
Before 2007, 4,000 types of goods were let into Gaza, compared with 150 that come in now. Among the restricted items are building materials such as iron and cement, which, according to the report, are needed to rebuild the 3,500 homes destroyed during Operation Cast Lead.
The quantity of goods that comes through the crossings is less than one quarter of what entered prior to the restrictions, the report says.

Albert Esplugas:

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